About Me

Having loved animals all my life and that covers 50 plus years, I have come to realise that nothing quite compares to the feelings you get for an animal. My menagerie at the moment stands at 4 cats, 1 dog and 47 fish.

You love your family of course, but with animals you build a special bond. Children grow up and need you less and less but an animal will need and love you all of it's life.

My life has been pretty much the same as most people. You grow up, get married, have children, work to put food on the table and pay the bills.

Priorities always get in the way of dreams.

After working in a Veterinary Practice for a period of time, my thoughts turned to my dreams. Could I now realise that dream and spend more time with animals. I began to do some research and found the same issues coming up time and time again.

  1. A lot of people are working harder and longer hours so were unable to even think about having a pet.
  2. Because of that, some animals were suffering, being given away or even abandoned.

The latter was breaking my heart. I love my animals so much I couldn't bear to think of them having the same life. I felt sad for the people who were missing out so much, not being able to enjoy an animal of their own.

Thats why I have formed "Next Pets Thing" - My dream of working with animals will hopefully fulfill other peoples dreams to own one.